About us
The International Pentecostal Church of God is a fundamental Bible-believing church in the city of Des Plaines, Illinois, USA, with a distinct emphasis on the need for the Holy Spirit's empowerment. Started as the God-given vision of Rev. P.C. Mammen, this church has been in the ministry of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through service, dedication, and commitment for over 40 years.
Since its formation, the church has grown tremendously. The International Pentecostal Church of God is not just a local church but also a ministry with a vision to reach those who have not heard the Gospel. We believe that God has set us as a light in order to bring God’s love to the neighboring communities and the hurting and dark world.
Presently, International Pentecostal Church of God owns three acres of land with a worship facility known as Hebron Gospel Center.
our pastors:

Rev. P.C. Mammen
Senior Pastor