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Don't miss our coming events:

Friday Evenings (TBD)
Google Meet
Opportunity for teens to get together and discuss their faith in God during hard times and how one can continue to build the faith. Join us in our weekly bible study online with worship, a short message, and games.
last saturday of
the month

Friday Evenings (TBD)
Google Meet
Opportunity for teens to get together and discuss their faith in God during hard times and how one can continue to build the faith. Join us in our weekly bible study online with worship, a short message, and games.
annual retreat

Friday Evenings (TBD)
Google Meet
Opportunity for teens to get together and discuss their faith in God during hard times and how one can continue to build the faith. Join us in our weekly bible study online with worship, a short message, and games.
WeeKly Bible STudy
other WEEKLY and UPCOMING events:
Sunday Bible
Study - 9 am
Church pastors take some time to share a passage of scripture

Friday Choir Practice - 7 pm
Choir singers and musicians get together to prepare songs for our services
Sunday Children's
Church - 10:30 am
A ministry designed to educate little children through Bible stories, songs, and activities.

Outreach ministry during the summer focused on reaching the community youth with the gospel.
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